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Ideas To Make The Server Better

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Should we add these things?

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Ideas To Make The Server Better Empty Ideas To Make The Server Better

Post  ShadowSlayer Wed Mar 31, 2010 4:40 pm

Ok, im new to this server and already i see some things that could be improved, first a lot of ppl dont even kno how to get points for the auction center some1 should make a guide on it Rolling Eyes . ok next thing is you should add winter islands tickets and aoura/dark mazes and abba, by adding them they can have drops like death weapons/death armor/unique gems but make the rate low that way it will be kind of hard to get them. if u already have some of these things ignore them. Also maybe u should make some things cheaper such as apperals they sell at 500k wtf Mad on almost all private servers they r 1k, a lot of noobs that have just started cant afford 500k for a boot for example or for some wings or hats. Another thing is you should add hi amps, hi lucky amps, nanas, normal amps/normal luck amps to the npcs for like 1k that way its easier to lvl. U could also add a kal exchanger to get bd set, death set, ect. Since adding these things might make it easier to lvl/ get items u could raise the max lvl to 150 Cool . By adding these things more and more ppl will want to come and play this server, with more ppl ,maybe more mallers too Very Happy lol!
(btw as i keep playing im going to update it and add more things that should be improved Very Happy ) Edits beyond here: I went to doom village to see what they have there, but there is nothing there wtf? Its a pk zone so maybe u should add bd mobs or something that spawn there that drop rage, colo, soul, hearts, and maybe eyes or what ever gems u want but add something o_o so that ppl will want to go in there and pk. The gms should also try to make more events such as sandbag events, hide n seek (GM hides, then who ever find him gets an azreal gem or something), maybe item mall/aution event to encourage ppl to buy imps and what not by getting 2x imps or what ever. If any1 else has any ideas or doesnt like my ideas, post it on this topic.
Si usted no entiende Inglés por favor vaya a traducir google: # en | es Very Happy


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Ideas To Make The Server Better Empty ZzZzZzZz I Know Whr U copied some points

Post  niires1204 Wed May 26, 2010 4:42 am

lol u juz copied some things like winter island drop.....but this will make unblanced.... death drop will make the server unblanced.....!and even 55 unsealed should removed from......npc ! Razz

the copied private server is

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Ideas To Make The Server Better Empty Umm

Post  RikuOblivion Mon Jun 07, 2010 11:22 am

I agree with 1 thing
Apareals for 500k is FAR too expensive all server sell appareals for 1-2k

About the gem drops and stuff , just go to CA and get them , true theres a low drop but atleast try to get them

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Ideas To Make The Server Better Empty Re: Ideas To Make The Server Better

Post  PhantMorb Mon Jun 07, 2010 12:50 pm

deathset drop.? lol

if mobs could drop all stuffs like that..

this server is ruined..

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